Child Participation for Resilience in Laos Project (CPR), Phase II in Xiengkhouang province, Huaphanh province and Vientiane Capital.
Children and youth in Laos have limited meaningful opportunities to share their opinions, represent their communities, and participate in community development initiatives. This situation is exacerbated in the rural and remote areas in which ChildFund Laos works, with results from surveys conducted in Nonghet and Khoun Districts in 2016 revealing less than half of children had opportunities to voice their opinions on decisions concerning them.
Ready for Life (R4L) builds upon lessons learnt from previous child and youth participation projects implemented by ChildFund Laos over the last five years in Xieng Khouang Province in order to respond to the above situation. The objectives of the project are to build the capacity and skills of children and youth in the areas of sexual and reproductive health, digital media literacy and job readiness to enable them to influence duty bearers, actively participate in the development of their communities, and successfully pursue future education and employment opportunities.
Key activities within the project include: the roll out of a curriculum called “Ready to Life” covering the areas of sexual and reproductive health rights, digital media literacy, and job readiness; identification of youth to lead community initiatives and undertake monitoring and evaluation; disbursement of small grants to support youth and children to run development initiatives; the establishment of online spaces for children and youth to learn and share their experiences; the development and launch of national child participation guidelines; and capacity building of government officials to implement the national child participation framework.
Project Description
Project Goal
The goal of this project is to promote child and youth resilience through increased positive child participation practices in Xieng Khouang, Huaphanh, and Vientiane Municipality in Laos.
Project Objectives
Objective 1: NCAWMC and local level CAWMC have established and use structures and processes within the R4L project that enable adolescent issues to be addressed.
1.1)The National CYP Framework and Guidelines are finalised and submitted for approval
1.2)NCAWMC secretariat team from national to local level equipped as key actors on the implementation of the National Child and Youth Participation Framework strengthened and guidelines.
1.3)A digital app on children’s right is developed
1.4)A National Children’s Forum is held each year for three years
1.5)Two national level workshops are carried out
Objective 2: Young people become leaders (catalysts of change) through their meaningful participation within their communities and contribute to positive change.
2.1)The Ready for Life training package is developed
2.2)25 master trainers are trained on the Ready for Life Package
2.3)240 youth leaders are trained on the Ready for Life Package
2.4)240 youth leaders are supported to lead and mentor
Objective 3: Young adolescents are better prepared for, and more resilient to key life challenges (through improved self-confidence and inter-personal skills and critical thinking and decision-making skills).
3.1) 3000 youth are trained on SRHR and media literacy
3.1) 15 grant initiatives are designed, implemented and monitored