Ensuring that all children have access to effective education and have more contribution at the school and village level is one of the priorities of ChildFund in Laos.

In August 2022, Mrs. Milla Nanthavong, the education programs manager of ChildFund in Laos, together with partners from the Department of Education and Sports in 3 districts: Xamneua, Huameuang, and Sopbao, held a meeting to review the tools, curriculum, and methods to guide the Village Education Development Committee (VEDC) and the community to discuss and create village education development plans. The VEDC team, students, and community also carried out the actual implementation of the process of leading and preparing the educational development plan at the village level, which places the children and community at the center of proposing what should be created. With this strategy, everyone can contribute to the education development plan. We will be able to ensure that our children receive a quality education that will enable them to fulfill their goals and dreams.
ChildFund in Laos’ The Promoting Accountability and Education Rights (PAER) Project, which is funded by the European Union in Laos, is currently being carried out in Huameuang and Xamneua Districts, Huaphan Province. The project’s objective is to advocate child rights, human rights, and the rights to an education. Furthermore, the project strengthens the village education department committee (VEDC) and civil society groups (CSG) ability in the preparation of education development plans, as well as imparting information on child rights, human rights, people with disability (PWD) rights, and inclusive education promotion at the village level.