CRC training at Boun Neua High School and Phoufar High School in Phongsaly Province.
Last month, the Child and Youth Participation for Resilience (CPR) Project in Laos, Phase III, (Ready for Life), in collaboration with the National Commission for Advancement of Women, Mothers and Children (NCAWMC) and ChildFund in Laos, conducted CRC training at Boun Neua High School and Phoufar High School in Phongsaly Province.
With participants from relevant government partners such as teachers, district and provincial authorities, the Women’s Union from Phongsaly, the provincial department of education and sports, the provincial justice department, and the labor and social welfare departments of Phongsaly province. This time, the children’s rights training strengthened students’ basic knowledge of children’s rights in the two target districts, and most importantly, the children’s participation demonstrated an interest in the topic of children’s rights.